An investigation was undertaken to study the impact of date of sowing and mulching under low tunnel conditions on the growth, yield and quality of direct sown muskmelon during 2019-20 and 2020-21 at Vegetable Research Farm and Biochemical Laboratory of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. Treatments were comprised of four dates of sowing (15th November, 15th December, 15th January under low tunnels and 15th February in open conditions) and two mulch treatments (black polythene mulch and non-mulch). Muskmelon hybrid, MH-27 planted on 15th November gave higher number of fruits (4.0), highest total yield (216.6 q/ha), ascorbic acid (22 mg/100g) and dry matter (8.6 %). 15th January planting gave highest vine length (186.8 cm), maximum fruit diameter (17.6 cm), maximum fruit weight (830.3 g) and TSS (12 °Brix). Mulched plants exhibited better growth, yield and quality when compared with non-mulch plants. It is concluded that muskmelon sown under low tunnel on 15th November with black polythene mulch offers higher yield and maximum net returns and B: C ratio.