, and 14 mol/kg, respectively). In telemetrized rats, oral AZD7371 inhibited visceromotor responses to CRD without affecting the concomitant hypertensive and tachycardic responses. Intracerebroventricular AZD7371 did not affect visceromotor responses, whereas it inhibited micturition. None of the doses tested induced visible gross side effects. AZD7371, likely acting at a spinal site, inhibited the visceromotor but not the cardiovascular responses to visceral pain in the CRD model in rats. Although agents effective on multiple pain-related readouts in the CRD model (e.g., pregabalin or clonidine) alleviate IBS symptoms, AZD7371, which is effective on only one pain-related pseudoaffective readout, does not. Data from preclinical CRD models of visceral pain need to be interpreted cautiously as it relates to their clinical translational value.