Stroke, myocardial infarction, vascular disease, and chronic renal disease are some of the most severe complications that can arise from hypertension. High blood pressure is defined as a systolic reading of 140 mm Hg or more, a diastolic reading of 90 mm Hg or more, or the need for antihypertensive medicine to control either reading. Primary/essential hypertension has no known aetiology, and secondary hypertension, which occurs due to another disease process, are the two main categories into which hypertension can be placed. Hypertension incidence and prevalence look very different in underdeveloped and developed nations. Hypertension in India has increased between three and six-fold among urban dwellers and ten and thirty-fold among rural dwellers. It is estimated that 600 million people are affected worldwide. Hypertension can be correlated with a vata prakopa janya vyadhi involving hridaya, rasavaha srotas, raktavaha srotas etc. Basti karma is the primary treatment for vata dosha. This case study demonstrates the efficacy of basti karma in management of vital hypertension by considering vata dosha, hridaya and rasa-rakta vaha srotas. The present case report emphasizes the potential of Basti Karma, as a supplementary therapeutic approach for the management of critical hypertension. This statement highlights the significance of personalized treatment strategies and comprehensive methodologies in improving patient outcomes and overall quality of life. Additional investigation and expanded clinical studies are necessary to authenticate the results and prove the effectiveness and safety of Basti Karma in the therapy of hypertension. Incorporating ancient practices such as Basti Karma into contemporary medical procedures can enhance the comprehensiveness and efficacy of hypertension therapy approaches.