A multi-centre open clinical study, mostly in General Practice, investigated the efficacy and safety of nadolol in the treatment of hypertension in 10,711 patients. Nadolol dosage was between 40mg and 240mg, both without and with concurrent diuretic, taken once daily over a mean period of 10 weeks. Stabilisation of blood pressure was achieved in 6,527 (660/0) of patients, the dose level of nadolol being between BOrng and I60mg daily in 3,925 (92.89%) patients on nadolol alone, and 1,993 (86.57%) patients on nadolol plus diuretic.Standing heart rate decreased from a mean of 80.S beats per minute at entry to trial, to 68 beats per minute at stabilisation, evidence of adequate beta-adrenergic blockade.Clear differences between age groups in pretreatment blood pressure levels and responses to treatment are shown. In all cases a significant downward trend in blood pressure levels is shown through each treatment review period to stabilisation. Side effects reported were typical of beta-adrenergic blockade, the low lipid solubility of nadolol being reflected in the low incidence of central nervous system side effects.The Investigators' opinion of clinical response in patients stabilised was excellent or good in 3,864 (91.45%) of patients on nadolol alone and in 2,090 (90.80%) of patients on nadolol plus diuretic.