template-based), direct electrical connection to the workpiece in an electrolyte is indispensable. [1,2] There will be more variation in developing new materials independent of the specimen's shape and size if the need for direct energization is eliminated.Eliminating direct energization is advantageous, especially when processing small objects electrochemically. If the coating is a metal layer rather than an oxide film, a wireless method such as the barrel-plating process can be used industrially. Barrel plating, which involves placing the items in a barrel-shaped cage, is generally used for plating a high volume of smaller metal parts (e.g., bolts, nuts, and screws) at one time. However, in the case of anodization, an approach like barrel-plating cannot be applied because the coating is an insulator (i.e., alumina). Furthermore, the site-selective control of redox reaction on metal objects is not possible in a rotating barrel. Therefore, for anodization, the objects (the metal parts) are physically held by racking (e.g., clamping and bolting) to maintain the position and supply electrical current during the anodization process (Figure S1, Supporting Information). If the racking and unracking processes employed in an industry can be eliminated, the work efficiency of mass production can be enhanced. Furthermore, the electrical contact where the rack touches the metal (so-called rack mark) can also be eliminated. The rack mark's size and position on the metal surface may affect the performance (e.g., corrosion resistance and wear resistance) of the finished product because the contact remains as an exposed metal surface. Thus, developing surface treatment approaches that do not require electrical contact is highly desirable.Novel surface treatment approaches based on bipolar electrochemistry can resolve the above-mentioned issues. Recently, bipolar electrochemistry has attracted renewed interest in material science, bioscience, and related research fields. [11][12][13][14] Unconnected conductive objects, such as bipolar electrodes (BPEs), are placed between the outer electrodes (so-called driving electrodes) in bipolar electrochemistry. The experimental setup of bipolar electrochemistry is different compared to a conventional two-or three-electrode system. Since BPEs do not require a direct electrical connection to the external power supply, they can be prepared using different arrangements. Reduction-oxidation (redox) reactions, driven by the reaction's standard electrode potential, occur on BPEs under a potential gradient.