“…This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly. Psychophysical, perceptual, and physiological processes Saarialho- Kere et al, 1986Manner, Kanto, Scheinin, et al, 1987Saarialho-Kere, Manila, et al, 1988Lamas et al, 1994Saarialho-Kere et al, 1986Saarialho-Kere, Manila, et al, 1988Bradley & Nicholson, 1987Stacher et al, 1982°S aarialho-Kere et al, 1986Manner, Kanto, Scheinin, et al, 1987Bradley & Nicholson, 1987Saarialho-Kere, Manila, et al, 1988Saarialho-Kere et al, 1986Saarialho-Kere, Manila, et al, 1988C Bradley & Nicholson, 1987Belleville et al, 1979C Bradley & Nicholson, 1987Saarialho-Kere et al, 1986Bradley & Nicholson, 1987Saarialho-Kere, Manila, et al, 1988Preston et al, 1992Strain et al, 1993 M/F, healthy volunteers (10) 0, 75 mg (PO) M/F, healthy volunteers (6) 0, 21, 42 mg b (IV) M/F, healthy volunteers (11) 0, 30 mg (PO) M, opioid dependent (6) 0, 46, 60 mg (IM) M/F, healthy volunteers (10) 0, 75 mg (PO) M/F, healthy volunteers (11) 0, 30 mg (PO) F, healthy volunteers (7) 0, 25, 50 mg (PO) M/F, healthy volunteers (24) 0.4 mg/kg/hr (infusion) M/F, healthy volunteers (10) 0, 75 mg (PO) M/F, healthy volunteers (6) 0, 21, 42 mg b (IV) F, healthy volunteers (7) 0, 25, 50 mg (PO) M/F, healthy volunteers (11) 0, 30 mg (PO) M/F, healthy volunteers (10) 0, 75 mg (PO) Simple motor performance and RT M/F, healthy volunteers (11) 0, 30 mg (PO) M/F, healthy volunteers (24) 0.4 mg/kg/hr (infusion) F, healthy volunteers (7) 0, 25, 50 mg (PO) M, healthy volunteers (7) 0, 22.5, 45 mg (IM) M/F, healthy volunteers (24) 0.4 mg/kg/hr (infusion) F, healthy volunteers ( 7 study examining higher doses of pentazocine reported impairment on the DSST . Methadone-maintained patients who were given relatively high doses of pentazocine did not have impaired performance on the DSST (Strain et al, 1993).…”