This work was focused on studying the effect of alloying elements on the mechanical and tribological properties of cobalt alloys. The Co-Cr-Mo alloy has been successfully used for the production of orthopaedic implants thanks to a better wear resistance than that of titanium implants. However, with the development of scientific and technological processes, there is still an ongoing effort to further improve the wear resistance and other properties of cobalt-based alloys. The aim of this research was to find a suitable alloying element, which would increase the wear resistance, while the other characteristics remain unimpaired. When choosing such an element, we have to keep in mind that it has to be non-toxic for the human body. The standard Co-Cr-Mo alloy and Co-Cr-Mo alloy with various alloying elements, specifically Nb, Si, Ti in an amount of 5 % mass fraction, were prepared using mechanical alloying followed by the compacting method called spark-plasma sintering. The influences of the alloying elements on the microstructure as well as mechanical and tribological properties were observed. Based on the obtained results, the Co-Cr-Mo-Nb alloy seems to be most suitable because the addition of niobium greatly improved the wear resistance. However, it is necessary to perform many other tests, especially the tests of corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. Keywords: cobalt alloy, biomaterial, mechanical properties, wear resistance Delo je bilo osredoto~eno na preu~evanje vpliva legirnih elementov na mehanske in tribolo{ke lastnosti kobaltnih zlitin. Co-Cr-Mo zlitina je bila uspe{no uporabljena za izdelavo ortopedskih implantantov, zahvaljujo~bolj{i odpornosti proti obrabi, kot jo nudijo vsadki iz titana. Vendar z razvojem znanstvenih in tehnolo{kih procesov {e vedno potekajo prizadevanja za izbolj{anje odpornosti proti obrabi in izbolj{anje drugih lastnosti zlitin na osnovi kobalta. Cilj raziskave je bil najti primerno prime{ani element, ki bi pove~al odpornost proti obrabi, medtem ko druge lastnosti ostajajo nedotaknjene. Pri izbiri takega elementa, moramo imeti v mislih, da mora biti nestrupen za~love{ko telo. Standardna Co-Cr-Mo zlitina in tudi Co-Cr-Mo zlitina z razli~nimi legirnimi elementi, zlasti Nb, Si, Ti, v 5 % masnem dele`u, sta bili pripravljeni s sintranjem. Opa`en je bil vpliv legirnih elementov na mikrostrukturo, kot tudi mehanskih in tribolo{kih lastnosti. Na osnovi dobljenih rezultatov se zdi, da je Co-Cr-Mo-Nb zlitina najbolj primerna, saj je dodatek niobija zelo izbolj{al odpornost proti obrabi. Vendar pa je potrebno izvesti {e {tevilne druge teste, zlasti preizkuse odpornosti proti koroziji in biokompatibilnost. Klju~ne besede: kobaltna zlitina, biolo{ki material, mehanske lastnosti, odpornost proti obrabi