The experiment was undertaken during Kharif season of 2019, 2020 and 2021 at Regional Research Station, S. D. Agricultural University, Kothara (Gujarat). The treatments comprised of three levels of nitrogen (N1: 10 kg N/ha, N2: 20 kg N/ha and N3: 30 kg N/ha) and three levels of phosphorus (P1: 0, P2: 20, P3: 40 kg P2O5/ha) was laid out in a factorial randomized block design with three replications. Effect of different nitrogen levels on Marvel green forage yield was found significant in pooled analysis. Application of 30 kg nitrogen/ha (N3) recorded significantly the highest plant height (135.68 cm), effective tillers/tussock (47.44), green and dry forage yield @ 811.18 and 347.87 q/ha, Crude fibre content (38.36 %) and Crude protein content (5.21 %), while application of phosphorus has no impact significantly on yield of marvel grass in pooled as well as individual year of analysis.