SUMMARYThe responses of two native British orehids, Orchis morio L. and Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druee) Soo, to fertilizer and root eompetition were tested in pots of natural soil. Seedhngs were raised from seed in symbiotie eulture, set into pots of natural soil and grown for 10 wk in a eontrolled environment ehamber with and without the grass Festuca rubra L. on elay, ehalk and fertilized ehalk soil. The growth of O. morio was not signifieantly affeeted by fertilization. Fertilization of D. fuchsii produeed a marked reduetion in growth, partieularly of the roots. Root eompetition had little effeet on either of the orehids, exeept that plants of O. morio grown with F. rubra had a greater alloeation to thieker, tuber-bearing roots relative to fine roots {c. 1 mm diameter or less) eompared with those grow^n without grass. These results were in marked eontrast to those obtained for the typieal grassland perennial Leontodon hispidus L., in whieh fertilization led to a very large inerease in growth, and root eompetition greatly redueed growth.