The aim of this study was to estimate the noise pollution level and possible health impacts due to the use of portable electricity generators in commercial areas of Karachi, city. 04 locations were selected at Tibet Centre, Empress Market, Garden Road and Saddar GPO Area. This study was designed to assess the perception and knowledge of power generator users towards the noise induced health hazards. A survey was conducted with 312 persons, randomly selected as shopkeepers, office workers and push-carters who participated as respondents in semi-structured questionnaire interview method. The questionnaire was divided into three sections as a) demographic characteristics include age, sex and educational level b) Knowledge and perception of noise pollution hazards and c) noise induced health hazards by the use of portable generators. Participants on the basis of their responses were categorized into four classes, no education / illiterate, SSC, HSC and graduate & above level education. It was established that higher the educational level the respondents had, the more they were likely to be aware of health effects of noise pollution. Results showed that residents are in constant exposure of generator noise show adverse health effect on the habitants which includes hearing impairment, interference with spoken communication, sleep disturbances, cardiovascular disturbances, impaired task performance and negative social behavior and annoyance reactions.