A large reflector antenna generally consists of several rings of panels and panel installation errors (PIEs) are inevitable during the panel installation process. In this paper, a mathematical model is developed to analyze the effects of PIEs on reflector's average power pattern. Whether for the PIEs of each ring of panels or for the PIEs of all the panels for the whole reflector, the proposed model can be used to calculate the average power pattern with the root-meansquare value of the PIEs, and its correctness is demonstrated by the results calculated by Monte Carlo simulation. For a given paneled reflector, the peak gain losses and the first side lobe level increments caused by different PIEs for the whole reflector are presented. Then, through an analysis for each ring of panels, including the effects of different amplitude aperture distribution functions and different ratios of focal length to diameter (F/D ratios), the results clearly show that the PIEs of the panels for different rings have different effects on the reflector's average power pattern, and valuable results are obtained. The derived results will greatly benefit the panel installation and adjustment of large reflector antennas. K E Y W O R D S average power pattern, panel installation error (PIE), reflector antenna