August 22, 2007; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00904.2006.-Using in vivo and isolated perfused liver preparations of BALB/c mice, we determined the roles of the liver and splanchnic vascular bed in anaphylactic hypotension. Intravenous injection of ovalbumin antigen into intact-sensitized mice decreased systemic arterial pressure (Psa) from 92 Ϯ 2 to 39 Ϯ 3 (SE) mmHg but only slightly increased portal venous pressure (Ppv) from 6.4 Ϯ 0.1 cmH2O to the peak of 9.9 Ϯ 0.5 cmH2O at 3.5 min after antigen. Elimination of the splanchnic vascular beds by ligation of the celiac and mesenteric arteries, combined with total hepatectomy, attenuated anaphylactic hypotension. Ligation of these arteries alone, but not partial hepatectomy (70%), similarly attenuated anaphylactic hypotension. In contrast, isolated sensitized mouse liver perfused portally at constant flow did not show anaphylactic venoconstriction but, rather, substantial constriction in response to the anaphylaxisassociated platelet-activating factor, indicating that venoconstriction in mice in vivo may be induced by mediators released from extrahepatic tissues. These results suggest that splanchnic vascular beds are involved in BALB/c mouse anaphylactic hypotension. They presumably act as sources of chemical mediators to cause the anaphylaxisinduced portal hypertension, which induced splanchnic congestion, resulting in a decrease in circulating blood volume and, thus, systemic arterial hypotension. Mouse hepatic anaphylactic venoconstriction may be induced by factors outside the liver, but not by anaphylactic reaction within the liver. anaphylactic shock; hepatic circulation; portal hypertension; splanchnic congestion ANAPHYLACTIC HYPOTENSION appears to be caused primarily by a decrease in blood flow to the heart, because left ventricular function is relatively well preserved during anaphylactic shock (1, 2). Peripheral circulatory collapse is ascribed to hypovolemia, which results from a decrease in effective circulating blood volume. The latter could be due to vasodilation with the peripheral pooling and increased vascular permeability with a shift of intravascular fluid to the extravascular space (1, 2).In canine experimental models of anaphylactic shock, an increase in resistance to venous return is important in the pathogenesis of circulatory collapse (27): increased venous resistance decreases venous return, with a resultant decrease in stroke volume and systemic arterial pressure. Indeed, eviscerated dogs did not develop anaphylactic shock (19). In addition, Enjeti et al. (9) reported that the severity of the anaphylactic shock could be decreased by occlusion of the descending aorta. In dogs, the anaphylaxis-induced increase in venous resistance is partly caused by constriction of the hepatic veins (27, 30), which induces pooling of blood in the liver, as well as in upstream splanchnic organs. In addition, we recently demonstrated that the liver and splanchnic vascular beds are involved in rat anaphylactic hypotension by showing that elimination of splanchnic ci...