A robust, sufficiently accurate and practical hydrodynamic simulation toolset is required as a key component of the modeling and simulation of air-gap electrostatic discharge events. This work was performed to complement these ongoing efforts. In particular, hydrodynamic simulations must be vetted to ensure they are robust and sufficiently accurate over relevant characteristic scales. Verification models were generated in order to cultivate the technical knowledge and expertise needed to properly create, implement and execute numerical simulations. Furthermore, this effort was utilized extensively to educate students on the mathematical and numerical principles underlying hydrodynamic simulations. This education opportunity, provided in a holistic and rigorous manner, has greatly benefited developing scientists and engineers with the necessary understandings and toolsets required to excel at accomplishing the task at hand, and, more generally, it has enabled them to generate key programmatic deliverables. This report articulates several subtilties; specifically, how perturbations, nonlinear behavior, and dissipative mechanisms influence numerical stability, how to properly structure mathematical and numerical solutions, and how to properly generate error estimation/assignment. A more rigorous discussion of the consequences of such topics can be found in the body of this report in Chapters 2 and 3 with qualitative findings discussed in Chapter 4. CHAPTER 1