In order to understand the effects of the automatic milk replacer feeding system on calf health, we examined the effect of frequent milk feeding on curd formation in the abomasum using ultrasonographic imaging. Eight male Holstein calves were divided into a milk-replacer group and a fresh milk group. Calves were fed twice a day to 12 days after birth (Period A). From 13 days, calves were fed six times a day (Period B). The abomasal fluid was taken by paracentesis. In both periods A and B, the fresh milk group formed bigger curds faster than the milk replacer group. The curd score of the milk replacer group in period B at 2 h was significant lower than those of both groups in period A. The pH in the abomasum was lower in period B than in period A. We could not identify the location of the abomasum in the milk replacer group during period B at almost time points. Our experiment suggests the possibility that frequent feeding of milk replacer causes incomplete hydrolysis of kappa-casein as well as curd formation, thus reducing the digestibility compared to the feeding of the milk replacer twice per day or frequent feeding of fresh milk.