“…A normal percentage of ventilated but unperfused alveoli can be explained in 10 of them by the minimal circulatory defect on the scan (not exceeding 15% of the total perfusion), in 14 others by pulmonary infarction with abolition of ventilation in this region; in other cases a possible cause of erroneous diagnosis is alveolar hypoventilation by bronchoconstriction in avascular areas, which improves the ventilationperfusion ratio. This bronchoconstriction was demonstrated in animals (Cahill, Attinger, and Byrne, 1961;Nadel, Colebatch, and Olsen, 1964;Severinghaus et al, 1961 ;Stein et al, 1961;Thomas et al, 1964;Tisi, Wolfe, Fallat, and Nadel, 1970) and in man (Gurewich, Thomas, Stein, and Wessler, 1963;Swenson, Finley, and Guzman, 1961). Finally, another cause of underestimation of the alveolo-arterial gradient of Pco2 is the .…”