Triaxial testing has examined the influence of storage time and reconsolidation procedures on normally consolidated and overconsolidated samples of reconstituted clay prepared with high pore-water pressures to simulate underwater deposits. "Samples" of illite were consolidated one dimensionally, off-loaded without drainage, stored undrained, reconsolidated, and sheared undrained. The storage times were 15 min, I day, and 7 days. Reconsolidation pressures were (1) isotropic to uO,, (2) isotropic to 0.6 u:,,, and (3) anisotropic to u,',,, 0.53u,',,. The results were compared with "specimens" that had not been off-loaded. Different undrained storage times had no effect on the strengths after reconsolidation, but the strengths were affected by the reconsolidation pressures. Anisotropic reconsolidation produced the best agreement between the control specimens and samples in terms of their strengths andA,-values. The duration of storage time did affect stress-strain parameters such as the undrained compression modulus ESO and the pore-water pressure parameter A,.