Direct numerical simulations are carried out on boundary-layer flow at Mach 6 over a porous surface, in which a Mack mode of instability is excited. The pores are resolved rather than modeled, allowing an evaluation to be made of the accuracy of simplified analytical models used in previous investigations based on linear stability theory. It is shown that the stabilizing effect of porosity is stronger in the simulations than in the corresponding theory for both two-and three-dimensional pores. From comparisons of spanwise grooves, streamwise slots, and square pores, it appears that the detailed surface structure is not as important as the overall porosity, and the hydraulic diameter is able to collapse the results for different pore shapes to good accuracy. When the porous surface consists of fewer larger pores, the flow is noisier, with sound waves generated at the pore edges.
Nomenclatureenergy f, g = forcing terms J 0 , J 2 = Bessel functions of the first kind k v , k t = arguments of Bessel functions L x;y;z = domain dimensions M = Mach number N g = number of cells in the pore n = porosity n p = number of pores Pr = Prandtl number q = heat flux R = gas constant Re = Reynolds number based on boundary-layer displacement thickness r = pore radius T = temperature t = time u = velocity x, y, z = coordinates Y 1 = shunt admittance Z 1 = series impedance , = wave numbers = ratio of specific heats = nondimensional wall-normal coordinate m = coordinate of pore bottom = thermal conductivity = viscosity = density = stress tensor ! = complex frequency Subscripts i, j = directions (1, 2, 3) rms = root mean square w, aw = wall, adiabatic wall Superscripts = base flow quantitŷ = eigenfunction