The main aim of this study is to compile the pragmatic organizational tools and practices can be used by organizations to achieve employees’ delight. This study compiled thirty pragmatic tools and practices which include expectation clarity, employee’s empowerment, open communication climate, competitive compensation, and stock option etc., to name a few from literature and discussed how they can be handy for achieving employee delight. For this purpose, various theoretical and empirical studies, which specifically addressed the topic of the research, were examined to identify the suitable organizational practices and tools. The complied practices and tools will help theorist and researchers to extend literature on organizational tools and practices and will help managers in designing their policies and practices and they should all find this article to be worthwhile reading. Researcher observed that more analytical and empirical studies need to be conducted in different business and industrial setup to understand the varying needs of employees and to equip organizations with the knowledge necessary to improve their capability to achieve employee delight. Researchers concluded that implementing all of them together may not be feasible for organizations, but carefully combining right mix of tools as per the suitability to meet employees’ needs can help organizations in achieving employees’ delight.