Pseudomonas aeruginosa possesses an extensive armament of genes involved in oxidative stress defense, including katB-ankB, ahpB, and ahpC-ahpF. Transcription of these genes was regulated in response to H 2 O 2 , paraquat, or organic peroxides. Expression of katB-lacZ and the observed KatB catalase levels in P. aeruginosa PAO1 were induced up to 250-fold after exposure to oxidative stress-generating compounds. Also, ahpB-lacZ and ahpC-lacZ expression was 90-and 3-fold higher, respectively, upon exposure to paraquat. The dose-and time-response curves revealed that 1 M paraquat was sufficient for half-maximal activation of each reporter fusion within 5 min of exposure. Expression of these genes was not observed in a ⌬oxyR mutant, indicating that OxyR was essential for this response. The transcriptional start sites of katB-ankB, ahpB, and ahpC-ahpF were mapped, putative OxyR-binding sites were identified upstream of the ؊35 promoter elements, and direct binding of purified OxyR protein to these target promoters was demonstrated. The oxyR mutant was hypersusceptible to oxidative stress-generating agents, including H 2 O 2 and paraquat, in spite of total KatA catalase activity being comparable to that of the wild type. The oxyR phenotype was fully complemented by a plasmid containing the oxyR gene, while any of the katB, ahpB, or ahpCF genes alone resulted in only marginal complementation. Increased katB-lacZ expression and higher KatB catalase levels were detected in a ⌬ahpCF background compared to wild-type bacteria, suggesting a compensatory function for KatB in the absence of AhpCF. In P. aeruginosa, oxyR is located upstream of recG, encoding a putative DNA repair enzyme. oxyR-lacZ and recG-lacZ reporter activities and oxyR-recG mRNA analysis showed that oxyR and recG are organized in an operon and expressed constitutively with regard to oxidative stress from a single promoter upstream of oxyR. Mutants affected in recG but not oxyR were dramatically impaired in DNA damage repair as measured by sensitivity to UV irradiation. In conclusion, we present evidence that the oxyR-recG locus is essential for oxidative stress defense and for DNA repair.Pseudomonas aeruginosa generates metabolic energy primarily through aerobic respiration. This process, involving a four-electron reduction of molecular oxygen (O 2 ) to water, can be potentially dangerous to the cell. Specifically, aberrant electron flow from the electron transport chain or cellular redox enzymes to O 2 can lead to the production of reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs). These include superoxide (O 2 Ϫ ), hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), and hydroxyl radical (HO ⅐ ). Furthermore, bacteria can be exposed to exogenous ROIs, especially during infection of humans, where phagocytes (e.g., neutrophils) mount a dramatic oxygen-dependent antimicrobial response (16, 38). The unchecked production or accumulation of these species can lead to cell damage, mutations, or death. The generation of HO ⅐ , the most destructive of the above-mentioned compounds, is in part dependent...