Using a range of laboratory-adapted and genetically modified Plasmodium falciparum parasite isolates, we investigated the interaction between dihydroartemisinin and piperaquine (PIP), the individual components of an artemisinin combination therapy currently under development, in addition to the role of known drug resistance genes in parasite susceptibility in vitro. All but one parasite line investigated displayed an interaction of dihydroartemisinin and PIP that was antagonistic, although the degree of antagonism was isolate dependent. In terms of resistance markers, the pfcrt haplotypes CVIET and SVMNT were positively associated with reduced sensitivity to PIP, with parasites carrying the South American CQR (SVMNT) allele being generally less sensitive than CVIET parasites. Parasites carrying the CQS (CVMNK) allele displayed a further increase in PIP sensitivity compared with CVIET and SVMNT parasites. Our data indicate that PIP sensitivity was not affected by pfmdr1 sequence status, despite positive correlations between the structurally related compound amodiaquine and pfmdr1 mutations in other studies. In contrast, neither the pfcrt nor pfmdr1 sequence status had any significant impact on susceptibility to dihydroartemisinin.Malaria remains a major disease causing significant health problems in many parts of the world, especially Africa. Disappointingly, it is argued that more people are infected with malaria now than was the case 20 years ago, with approximately 200 million infected persons and 2 million deaths each year (31). This remains the case despite recent reports of a falling incidence of Plasmodium falciparum infection following deployment of artemisinin combination therapies (ACTs) and insecticide-treated bed nets in specific geographical settings. There are a number of factors that contribute to these figures, but the most important is parasite resistance to existing and affordable drugs and an absence of alternatives.Historically, communities have adopted monotherapy strategies for the treatment of malaria. History has proven that this is a poor strategy, and if we look at other infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus infection, combination chemotherapy is routine as a means of slowing resistance development. The rationale for combination chemotherapy in malaria is simple: if you have two or more drugs with independent mechanisms of action, then the probability of a parasite emerging that is resistant to both mechanisms at the same time is reduced significantly, provided that parasites resistant to either component drug are rare in the population (35).The WHO recently championed the use of combination chemotherapy for the treatment of malaria. Furthermore, it is argued that these combinations should include an artemisininbased drug, such as artesunate, artemether, dihydroartemisinin (DHA), or artemisinin itself (36). This recommendation is based on the fact that these drugs appear to kill parasites more efficiently than any other class of antimalarial drug, the...