When we carry out an act, we typically attribute the action to ourselves, the sense of agency. Explanations for agency include conscious prior intention to act, followed by observation of the sensory consequences; brain activity that involves the feed-forward prediction of the consequences combined with rapid inverse motor prediction to fine-tune the action in real time; priming where there is, e.g., a prior command to perform the act; a cause (the intention to act) preceding the effect (the results of the action); and commonsense rules of attribution of physical causality satisfied. We describe an experiment where participants falsely attributed an act to themselves under conditions that apparently cannot be explained by these theories. A life-sized virtual body (VB) seen from the firstperson perspective in 3D stereo, as if substituting the real body, was used to induce the illusion of ownership over the VB. Half of the 44 experimental participants experienced VB movements that were synchronous with their own movements (sync), and the other half asynchronous (async). The VB, seen in a mirror, spoke with corresponding lip movements, and for half of the participants this was accompanied by synchronous vibrotactile stimulation on the thyroid cartilage (Von) but this was not so for the other half. Participants experiencing sync misattributed the speaking to themselves and also shifted the fundamental frequency of their later utterances toward the stimulus voice. Von also contributed to these results. We show that these findings can be explained by current theories of agency, provided that the critical role of ownership over the VB is taken into account.agency | body-ownership illusion | rubber-hand illusion | illusory speaking | vibrotactile stimulation T here is growing evidence that the brain does not treat our body as relatively fixed, changing only slowly through time, but that its body representation demonstrates high plasticity. Although this is counter to common sense, a number of findings have shown that simple experimental manipulations can generate the illusion that an external object is part of our body (1, 2), that a plastic manikin (3, 4), and even a body displayed in immersive virtual reality (IVR), is our body (5-7). Furthermore, evidence suggests that such illusions have physiological and psychological consequences. For example, the rubber-hand illusion (RHI), where participants feel a somatic sense of ownership over a rubber hand through synchronous multisensory stimulation on the rubber and corresponding hidden real hand (1), has been shown to lead to a cooling of the real hand (8) as well as an increase in its histamine reactivity (9). The RHI over a black rubber hand can lead to a reduction of implicit racial bias in light-skinned people (10). When light-skinned people have a dark-skinned VB that apparently substitutes their own body, in IVR-as seen directly and in a virtual mirror, and that moves like themselves-they have the illusion that the body is theirs, which also results in a reduction o...