Remobilization of mineral nutrients from leaves to reproductive structures is a possible regulatory factor in leaf senescence. The relationship between P remobilization from leaves of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv McCall) during reproductive development and leaf senescence was determined by utilizing soil P treatments that supplied deficient, optimum, and supraoptimum soil P levels. The soil P treatments simulated field conditions, being initiated at the time of planting with no subsequent addition or removal of P. It was hypothesized that P deficiency would accelerate leaf senescence and that supraoptimum P nutrition would delay the timing or rate of leaf senescence relative to plants grown with optimum P. Supraoptimum soil P led to a twoto fourfold increase in leaf P concentration compared with optimum P, and during senescence there was no net P remobilization from leaves for this treatment. Leaf P concentration was similar for plants grown at optimum or deficient soil P, and there was significant net P remobilization from leaves of both treatments in one of the two experiments. As indicated by changes in leaf N, carbon dioxide exchange rate, ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity, and chlorophyll concentration, leaf senescence pattems were similar for all soil P treatments. Thus, it can be concluded that leaf senescence was not affected by either P deficiency or enhanced leaf P concentration resulting from supraoptimum soil P. The results suggest that P nutrition in general, and specifically P remobilization from leaves, does not exert any regulatory control on the process of leaf senescence.important factor in leaf senescence and yield production (12,21,26).In a previous study of vegetative growth of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), we demonstrated that soil P levels could be manipulated such that leaf P concentration remained relatively constant until maximum biomass was produced, after which further increases in soil P levels resulted in progressive increases in leafP concentration (6). These treatments simulated the conditions in which plants would experience P deficiency or supraoptimum P levels under field conditions and appeared to be an ideal way to determine the role of P nutrition in reproductive development and leaf senescence in soybean. We utilized these soil P treatments to produce soybean plants that were (a) P limited and (b) produced similar biomass and seed yield but differed two-to threefold in total plant and leaf P content (5). It was demonstrated that normal seed growth and development could occur independently of net leaf P remobilization. Visually, canopy senescence was not markedly altered by any of the soil P levels. However, because of differences in leaf age, it is difficult to evaluate leaf senescence visually or from a sample consisting of the total plant leaf mass. In this study, we report the effect of these same soil P treatments on senescence of a leaf near the top of the plant. Two hypotheses were tested: (a) deficient soil P would lead to more...