The relevance of the research presented in this article is determined by the high prevalence of speech disorders among patients of various profiles. Currently, aphasia accompanies various diseases, which may naturally affect the formation and development of arbitrary regulation among this category of patients, disrupting their processes of self-control in behavioral and emotional reactions. The aim of the article is to identify the features of arbitrary regulation in case of sensory and motor aphasia. The method of studying of the outlined problem is the diagnosis of manifestations of human behavior at the level of arbitrary regulation. For this purpose, the tests "Serial Picture and Story Arrangement" and "Path Tracing" were used. They allow assessing the patient's abilities to concentrate attention, analyze speech text, and exercise emotional and motor self-control. The parameters identified during the study made it possible to distinguish differences in the manifestation of arbitrary regulation at the level of patients with motor and sensory aphasia. In case of sensory aphasia, aspects of low attention concentration and programming activity are observed; a high threshold of emotional excitability alongside with the unstable psycho-emotional sphere can be detected. At the same time, patients with motor aphasia demonstrate the ability to concentrate attention on task performance, stability of psycho-emotional indicators, and high abilities of understanding and analyzing the speech addressed to them. The data obtained during the study will allow specialists to improve the diagnostic, communicative, and neurorehabilitation procedures, thereby enhancing the possibilities for speech restoration in patients with aphasia, which may have practical value for the medical-social sphere.