explore the effect of the addition of ethanol (E) on the combustion
behavior of biodiesel/n-heptane (BH) blends, autoignition
characteristics of the BHE blends were studied in two experimental
systems: a modified cooperative fuel research (CFR) engine and a constant-volume
combustion chamber (CID 510) used for rating the derived cetane number
of fuels. The observations of ignition behavior include the critical
compression ratio and heat release profile, which are assessed using
the CFR engine. The equivalence ratio is 0.25 and 0.45, respectively,
while the physical and chemical ignition delays are measured by the
CID 510 under a wide range of air temperatures and oxygen dilution
levels. With the addition of the ethanol, the critical compression
ratio increases, which indicates that the reactivity decreases. According
to the heat profiles, because of the complex composition of the blend,
the onset of the high temperature heat release (HTHR) and low temperature
heat release (LTHR) did not vary linearly with ethanol concentration,
and the onset of LTHR of BHE15 and BHE20 is very close at both equivalence
ratios at the same compression ratio (5.2). This is consistent with
almost the same cetane number of BHE15 and BHE20. With the increase
of ethanol in the blend, the physical ignition delay at different
temperatures was BHE20 > BHE15 > BHE10 > BHE5 > BH. In
addition, the
chemical ignition delay increased with the addition of ethanol except
for BHE5, which showed negative temperature coefficient (NTC) behavior
and displayed a shorter chemical ignition delay than that of the BH
blend at 853.15 K. The physical ignition delay for BH, BHE5, and BHE10
increased slightly with oxygen dilution. Moreover, the chemical ignition
delay increased sharply with increasing exhaust gas recirculation
(EGR). Higher addition of ethanol results in higher chemical ignition
delay. The heat release profiles for the blends at different temperatures
and EGR levels showed a decrease in reactivity.