“…In this regard, projec tions from the visual cortex to the claustrum originating in the fourth layer and returning from the claustrum to the same cortical areas to layers IV and VI establishing a reciprocal modulator circuit, which may regulate senso ry influx to this zone [ 18], In undernourished rats the reduced dendritic arbor in the claus tral neurons may generate a deficient regula tory process that may be associated with inad equate locomotion [28,29] or with impaired visuospatial integration as observed in be 52 Escobar/Salas Neonatal Undemutrition and Claustrum Development havioral studies [30][31][32], This possibility is strengthened by data showing the high vulner ability of polysensory nervous structures to perinatal undernutrition in the thalamus [1,9], the amygdala [5], the hippocampus [3, 33,34], the cerebellar granular layer [35] and the intemeurons of the cerebral cortex [36], How ever, further morphological and behavioral studies will be needed in order to corroborate this proposal.…”