Pups were subjected to malnutrition by feeding the lactating mothers a multi-deficient (8% protein content) diet, known as regional basic diet (RBD), from birth up to weaning. The weanings were fed the same diet until 60 days of age. Ultrastructure of the optic nerve was analyzed at postnatal (P) day P8, P13, P21, P30 and P60. Electron microscopy revealed that at P8 the process of myelination has not started yet in neither groups. At P 13 different stages of myelination were observed and, in the experimental group, the optic nerve showed non-organized axon bundles and empty spaces. Control optic nerve at P21 exhibited axons with fully developed myelin sheath; whereas malnourished group had many axons being enveloped by myelin with anomalous alteration. These alterations were present in malnourished group at P30 and P60. Quantitative analysis showed statistically significant difference between control and malnourished groups when compared to the percentage of myelinated axons, axons with myelin anomalous alterations (MAA) and non-myelinated axons. Also, the myelin area was significantly smaller in malnourished groups when compared to control group. Finally, a high percentage of large non-myelinated fibers were found in the malnourished group. In conclusion, our results show that early malnutrition by a multideficient diet (RBD) affects permanently the optic nerve organization and myelination, indicating an impairment of nerve transmission and a probable dysfunction in the visual ability.