CoaXial let spray Ilarries of kerosene and oxygen are studied exp {/ riment . ally in the alnbien 亡 prcssure range uf O . 1 − 1 . OMPa . The luminescence spcctra of the flames are mcasulled by spectros ・ copic measurement , and the flame 亡 emperature is rIleasured by a tw 〔 〕 − color methvd . S〔〕ot pr 〔, duct沁 n regioll and soot vQlu τ ne fraction are rneasured by ! aser induced incaiidescence ( LII>. Spect1 ・ 〔 ) scopic lneusurel 皿 ent resu ! Ls show bluc chemilumincscencc i【1 け1e combusti 〔,ll reacLio冂 rcgion and soot emissioll i副 し 1mlnous 日ame kg observed d ∩ wn 需 tream of the combust め n reacti 〔 )n region 、 CO2 en ' lissiol [ is alsc 〕 observcd downstream of thc lunninous〔 lame . The tcmperature measurement results sho 、厚 high − te1ユユ perature regi 〔 )ns near the buTner. The flame temperature decrcases drastically a 玩,ng the ce ; 〕tral axis and a Mi1 ユimum temperature point apPears . . T ] ris po { nt movcs ups し ream with increase 正 naml 〕ient pressure because vaporization 〔 )f droplets occurs fur亡 her upstream due to the change in droplet dispersion . LII measurements show that soot concentration increases t川 0, 5MPa alld decreasos above O , 7MPa . This lrend agrees with [ he spectroscopic arld ternperature meusurements , because the fuel vapor concentration distributions changew 辻h increa . ge in ambient pressure due to thc changc in droplet dispersio τ 1 and mixing betwcen fuc ' 1 vapor and oXidizer . These results sh 〔 〕w that the drop 正 ot behavior changes with increase in prcssure and affects Hame structure and soot