ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji pengaruh suplementasi minyak biji kapok (MBK) terproteksi dalam kombinasinya dengan konsentrat, dalam hal ini bekatul terhadap status lipida daging domba ekor tipis (DET) yang mendapat rumput lapangan (RL) sebagai pakan basal. Sebanyak 24 ekor domba DET jantan digunakan sebagai bahan percobaan yang dibagi dalam 8 kelompok perlakuan. Terdapat 2 faktor perlakuan, yakni suplementasi MBK (faktor I) dan suplementasi konsentrat yakni bekatul (faktor II). Faktor I terdiri atas 2 aras, yakni 0% (S0) dan 10% (S1), sedangkan faktor II terdiri atas 4 aras, yakni 0% (K0); 15% (K1); 30% (K2) dan 45% (K3), berdasarkan konsumsi BK. Variabel yang diukur meliputi kandungan lemak intramuskuler (LIM), bilangan iodin (BI) asam lemak daging, kandungan kolesterol dan asam lemak omega 6 daging (dalam hal ini asam linoleat). Data yang terkumpul diolah secara statistik dengan analisis ragam, pola perlakuan faktorial 2 x 4 dalam rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Kandungan LIM domba-domba yang mendapat suplemen MBK pada aras 0 dan dedak halus 15% tidak berbeda nyata dengan kandungan LIM domba-domba tanpa suplementasi MBK dengan aras pemberian bekatul yang sama (3,45 dan 3,99 vs 3,01 dan 3,75%
ABSTRACTThis research was conducted to study the influence of protected kapok seed oil (PKSO) supplementation in its combination with concentrate, in this case was rice bran (RB) on lipid content of thin tailed sheep received field grass as basal feed. A number of 24 heads of male thin-tailed sheep were used as experimental material. These sheep were divided into 8 treatment groups. There were two treatment factors, i.e. : PKSO supplementation (S) as factor I and RB supplementation (K) as factor II. Factor I consisted of 2 levels, i.e. 0% (S0) and 10% (S1), whereas factor II consist of 4 levels, i.e. 0% (K0), 15% (K1), 30% (K2) and 45% (K3), respectively, based on dry matter (DM) intake. Several variables were measured, namely content of intra muscular fat (IMF), iodine number of muscular fatty acid, content of meat cholesterol and omega 6 fatty acid (in this case linoleic acid). The collected data were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance with factorial treatment pattern (2 x 4) in completely randomized design (CRD). Content of IMF in sheep supplemented with 0 and 15% KSO levels was not significantly different from those without kapok seed oil (KSO) supplementation at the same level of RB feeding (3.45 and 3.99% vs 3.01 and 3.75%). Supplementation of protected KSO in combination with 30 and 45% RP resulted in significantly increased (P < 0. vs 89.21 and 72.63 mg/100 g ) also significantly increased (P < 0.05) linoleic acid proportion (15.52 and 18.25% vs 3.68 and 4.04%) and iodine number (12.52 and 10.25 vs 4.09 and 4.98).