'Alpine grazing reduces blazing' is a widely and strongly held view concerning the effects of livestock grazing on fuels, and therefore fire behaviour and impact, in Australia's high country landscapes. As a test of this hypothesis, we examined the patterns of burning across the alpine (treeless) landscapes of the Bogong High Plains in Victoria, following the extensive fires of January 2003. Data were collected from multiple transects, each 3-5 km long, with survey points located randomly at either 50, 200 or 500 m intervals. The transects traversed the major regions of the Bogong High Plains, both grazed and ungrazed. At each point, we recorded whether the point was burnt or unburnt, the vegetation type (closed-heath, open-heath, grassland or herbfield), the estimated prefire shrub cover, slope, aspect, and a GPS location. At burnt heathland sites, we recorded the minimum twig diameter (an a posteriori measure of fire severity) in a sample of common shrubs. In total, there were 108 km of transect lines, 419 survey points and 4050 twig measurements, with sample points equally distributed across grazed and ungrazed country. The occurrence of fire (i.e. burnt or unburnt) in grazed and ungrazed areas was analysed by logistic regression; the variation in twig diameters by anova. Approximately half of all points were burnt. There was no statistically significant difference between grazed and ungrazed areas in the proportion of points burnt. Fire occurrence was determined primarily by vegetation type, with the proportion burnt being 0.87 for closed-heath, 0.59 for open-heath, and 0.13 for grassland and all snow-patch herbfield points unburnt. In both closed-heath and open-heath, grazing did not significantly lower the severity of fire, as measured by the diameter of burnt twigs. We interpret the lack of a grazing effect in terms of shrub dynamics (little or no grazing effect on long-term cover of taller shrubs), diet and behaviour of cattle (herbs and dwarf shrubs eaten; tall shrubs not eaten and closed-heath vegetation generally avoided), and fuel flammability (shrubs more flammable than grass).Whatever effects livestock grazing may have on vegetation cover, and therefore fuels in alpine landscapes, they are likely to be highly localized, with such effects unlikely to translate into landscape-scale reduction of fire occurrence or severity. The use of livestock grazing in Australian alpine environments as a fire abatement practice is not justified on scientific grounds.