A method was de®eloped that obser®es polymer particles during a polymerization reaction using optical-and infrared imaging. The yielding images gi®e good insight into catalyst-specific properties as shape replication, distribution of acti®ity, and the acti®ation. The ad®antage of this method is the possibility to link beha®ior of indi®idual particles to its own specific properties. The infrared method measures surface temperatures of growing particles. Such data are useful to feed mathematical models describing the growth of single particles. The temperature᎐ time cur®es showed maximum temperature to be reached after some minutes; a simple model was used to describe this effect qualitati®ely. The maximum particle temperature rise was 20 K, but depended strongly on reaction rate and particle size. Temperature, prepolymerization method, catalyst recipe, and catalyst acti®ation time were ®aried for a fourth-generation Ziegler-Natta catalyst in polymerization of propylene and ethylene.