This dissertation is approved by: prof.dr. M. van der Meijde (supervisor) dr. H.M.A. van der Werff (co-supervisor) dr. M. Shafique (co-supervisor) First praise is to Allah, the Almighty, for giving sustenance and guidance for this success. Secondly, I express my sincere gratitude to my supervisors for their immense support, sharing in-depth scientific knowledge, guidance and encouragement. Spacial gratitude to my promotor, Prof. Dr. Mark van der Meijde for accepting me under his guidance and trusting me during the entire period. Your straight forwardness and supportive guidance is not only part of this success story, but will surely be in the future. Every progress meeting with you provided me a boost during the hard moments of this journey. It has really been an honor to work with you. Heartily gratitudes are extended to my co-promotor Dr. Harald van der Werff for his immense support with Linux, programming, SPECFEM3D, LaTex and much more. This work would not have even started without you in the team. Also, without your valuable and timely comments it would have been difficult to complete this dissertation. Gratitudes are further extended to my co-promotor Dr. Muhammad Shafique, whose research motivated me for this study. Without his research, data and support, this work might not have been possible. Thank you all for every support that guided me through this journey of learning and more importantly building my attitude of systematic investigation of a scientific problem. I enjoyed working with you and wish to continue the same in future. Profound gratitude is due to the friends and colleagues of ESA Department. Thanks to Islam, Effie, Thea, Haydar, Mathew and Riswan for your long lasting company and support, whenever I needed. I really enjoyed your company and had a great time with you, not only in the office but in fitness department as well. I am also grateful to Hakan, Bastian, Oscar, Tang, Evelin, Vasily, Tunde and Yakob who joined us later and had a really great time with them. I wish you all the best for your success in your PhDs and beyond. Thanks are extended to all other friends at ITC, especially, Omer, Abebe, Manuel, Gustavo, Eduardo and Alby. I will miss all the fun we had together, be that in the workshops, sports, parties, coffee table or elsewhere. Thanks are further extended vii Acknowledgements to all the staff at ITC and ITC hotel, especially, Loes Colenbrander, Benno, Theresa, Ginie and Marion for the support during my time at ITC. I am grateful to my friends and kitchen buddies on 7th floor at ITC hotel for their company especially, Ana, Marisol, Riddie, Siddie, Diana, Sana, Sweta and Lucy. Thanks you all for introducing me the the broad spectrum of food from around the world, especially 'Mansaf'. It would be unfair not to acknowledge Pakistani friends who made me feel at home, especially, Dr. Saleem Ullah, Rehmat Ullah, Nayyer and Sajid. I still remember the day when you guys received me at the train station and introduced me to the unknown little world of Enschede. I am also grateful to PS...