1 Studies of mechanical activity and 'Rb+ efflux have been made in bovine isolated trachealis with the objectives of (a) identifying which of the P-adrenoceptor subtypes mediates the opening of plasmalemmal K+-channels, (b) gaining further insight into the properties of the novel, long-acting P2-adrenoceptor agonist, salmeterol and (c) clarifying the role of K+-channel opening in mediating the mechanoinhibitory actions of agonists at P-adrenoceptors.2 In bovine trachealis muscle strips precontracted with histamine (460 1M), isoprenaline (0.1 nM-1 pM), procaterol (0.1-10 nM) and salmeterol (0.1-10 nM) each caused concentration-dependent relaxation. 3 ICI 118551 (10 nM-I1 M) antagonized isoprenaline, procaterol and salmeterol in suppressing histamine-induced tone of the isolated trachealis muscle. The antagonism was concentration-dependent. In contrast, CGP 20712A (1O nM-1AM) failed to antagonize isoprenaline, procaterol or salmeterol.4 Salmeterol (1-10 ;LM) antagonized isoprenaline in relaxing strips of bovine trachea which had been precontracted with carbachol (1 gM).5 Cromakalim (10 1AM), isoprenaline (100 nM-10 AM), procaterol (10 nM-1 1AM) and salbutamol (100 nM-10-1M) each promoted the efflux of 86Rb+ from strips of bovine trachealis muscle preloaded with the radiotracer. In contrast, salmeterol (100 nM-1O 1M) failed to promote 86Rb+ efflux. 6 CGP 201712A (1 1AM), ICI 118551 (100 nM) and salmeterol (1 1AM) did not themselves modify 86Rb+ efflux from trachealis muscle strips, nor did they affect the promotion of 86Rb+ efflux induced by cromakalim (10 1M). In contrast, CGP 20712A (1I1M) and ICI 118551 (100nM) were each able to inhibit the promotion of 86Rb+ efflux induced by isoprenaline (1 1aM) or procaterol (100 nM). Furthermore, salmeterol (10I1AM) inhibited isoprenaline (1 1AM)-induced promotion of 86Rb+ efflux.7 It is concluded that, in bovine trachealis, activation of either 13l-or P2-adrenoceptors can promote the opening of 86Rb+-permeable K+-channels in the plasmalemma. The failure of salmeterol to promote plasmalemmal K+-channel opening may reflect, not its selectivity in activating P2-as opposed to V-adrenoceptors, but rather its low intrinsic efficacy at P2-adrenoceptors. The opening of plasmalemmal K+-channels plays a supportive rather than a crucial role in mediating the mechano-inhibitory effects of agonists at P-adrenoceptors acting on trachealis muscle. Keywords: Trachealis muscle; 86Rb+ efflux; P-adrenoceptor subtypes; K+-channels; isoprenaline; procaterol; salbutamol; salmeterol; CGP 20712A; ICI 118551
IntroducdonAs background to the experiments described in the preceding paper (Cook et al., 1993) we reviewed the substantial evidence that suggests that agonists at P-adrenoceptors relax airways smooth muscle by mechanisms associated with the opening of plasmalemmal K+-channels. That such K+-channel opening is mediated by the activation of P-adrenoceptors is indicated by the ability of propranolol to inhibit the hyperpolarization of airways smooth muscle induced by isoprenaline (Ito & Tajima, 1...