“…The most consistently reported association concerns the positive relationship between purpose in life and intrinsic religiosity, as measured by various instruments. The association was reported by Crandall and Rasmussen (1975) among 71 students, by Bolt (1975) among 52 students, by Soderstrom and Wright (1977) among 427 students, by Paloutzian, Jackson, and Crandall (1978) among 84 students and 177 adults, by Chamberlain and Zika (1988) among 188 women having at least one child under the age of five and no paid employment, by Weinstein and Cleanthous (1996) among 11 protestant ministers and 38 parishioners, by Ardelt (2003) among 103 community dwelling older adults (using a shortened form of the Purpose in Life Test), by Janssen, Bänziger, Dezutter, and Hutsebaut (2005) among 130 Dutch adults, by Dezutter, Soenens, and Hutsebaut (2006) among 472 adults, and by Byrd, Hageman, and Isle (2007) among 161 undergraduate students.…”