Organophosphates are still widely used in developing countries for agriculture and industry. They produce irreversible inhibition of acetylcholinesterase, resulting in depolarising block at muscarinic and nicotinic synapses in insects as well as humans. Some well-known life threatening acute neurological complications of organophosphates are seizures, paralysis, and neuromuscular and cardiac conduction disorders. Early administration of atropine and pralidoxime and supportive care are of paramount importance in treatment of acute syndrome. 1 Delayed neuropathy is a rare complication of organophosphate poisoning and a result of inhibition of neuropathy target esterase instead of acetylcholinesterase. Among many thousands, only a small number of organophosphates can produce polyneuropathy with delayed onset. Organophosphate compounds that are known to produce distal axonal polyneuropathy in humans are triorthocresyl phosphate, 2 leptophos, 3 mipafox, 4 trichlorofon, 5 merphos, 6 diptelay, 7 systox, 8 mecarbam, 9 methamidophos, 10 and chlorpyrifos. 11 ABSTRACT: Background: Organophosphate intoxication can cause some well-known life threatening acute neurological complications such as seizures, paralysis, neuromuscular and cardiac conduction disorders. Less often, a predominantly motor and delayed axonal neuropathy can occur. This syndrome is due to inhibition of neuropathy target esterase. Case Report: A 30-year-old woman attempted suicide by drinking approximately 1000mg/kg dimethyl-2,2-dichloro vinyl phosphate (DDVP). After a muscarinic and cholinergic syndrome lasting four days, she developed a purely motor distal axonal polyneuropathy on the fifth week after ingestion confirmed by electroneuromyography and sural nerve biopsy. Neurological examination and electroneuromyography revealed a slight recovery at the end of the 21st month. Conclusion: This case of late onset polyneuropathy caused by organophosphate intoxication had unusual features such as intact sensory nerves and worse prognosis when compared to previously reported cases.RÉSUMÉ: Polyneuropathie tardive due à une intoxication par un organophosphoré. Contexte: L'intoxication par les organophosphorés peut causer des complications neurologiques aiguës pouvant mettre la vie en danger, telles des convulsions, une paralysie, des troubles de conduction neuromusculaires et cardiaques. Plus rarement, une neuropathie à prédominance motrice et axonale peut survenir. Ce syndrome est dû à l'inhibition de la neuropathy target esterase. Observation clinique: Une femme âgée de 30 ans a fait une tentative de suicide par ingestion d'à peu près 1 000mg/kg de 2,2 dichlorovinyl diméthyl phosphate. Suite à un syndrome muscarinique et cholinergique de quatre jours, elle a développé une polyneuropathie axonale distale purement motrice la cinquième semaine après l'ingestion, neuropathie confirmée par électroneuromyographie et biopsie du nerf sural. L'examen neurologique et l'électroneuromyographie ont montré une légère récupération après 21 mois. Conclusion: Ce cas de polyneu...