“…On examination he was obese grade 2, with high Blood Pressure 170/92mmHg, Pulse Rate 110bpm (60-102), lower limb edema grade 3, elevated jugular venous pressure (JVP 7cm), Apex beat on the 5intercostal space lateral to the midclavicular line, S3-Gallops sound, bilateral basal coarse crepitation, and anterior crackles. His Laboratory workup reveals elevated FBG 150.3mg/dl (65-95mg/dl), Hb1AC 7.7 % (˂5.7%), LDL-C 160mg/dl (62-130mg/dl), Total cholesterol 230mg/dl(0-200mg/dl), HDL-C 21mg/dl(˂40-0mg/dl), Hemoglobin(Hb) 15.4g/dl (13.3-16.2), white blood cell (WBC) 5.0 X1000/mcL (3.54-9.06), serum Creatinine 1.3mg/dl(0.5-1.5mg/dl), BUN 15mg/dl (7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20), Potassium 4.0mmol/L(3.5-5.0), Sodium 139mmol/L, ALT(SGPT) 15U/L(7-41), AST(SGOT) 24U/L The patient was diagnosed with Heart Failure, reduced Ejection Fraction [HFrEF] NYHA Class III with Diastolic failure grade III, T2DM, and dyslipidemia. He was kept on IV Furosemide 80mg 6hrly, and then he had a weight loss of more than 1.5kg, and urine output was 5L/day.…”