The objective of this study was to determine the impact of pre-rigor salting using KCl on the technological properties of ground chicken breast. Chicken breast muscle (
M. pectoralis major
) was hot-debonded and salted with 2% NaCl (w/w), 1% NaCl+1% KCl mixture, or 2% KCl, respectively, within 30 min after slaughter. Post-rigor salting treatment was prepared with 2% NaCl at 24 h postmortem. All pre-rigor salting treatments showed higher ultimate pH, protein solubility, and final yield than post-rigor salting treatment (
< 0.05). However, the positive effects of pre-rigor salting on chicken breast differed by salt type. Pre-rigor salting with KCl resulted in higher ultimate pH and
-values of chicken breast than pre-rigor salting with NaCl (
< 0.05). Despite the high ultimate pH, pre-rigor salting with KCl resulted in lower protein solubility, final yield, and hardness of chicken breast than pre-rigor salting with NaCl (
< 0.05). These results indicate that pre-rigor salting with KCl could contribute to the maintenance of relatively excellent technological properties of pre-rigor chicken breasts compared to post-rigor salted chicken breast. However, this current study also suggests that the impact of KCl on technological properties in pre-rigor chicken breast, such as water-holding capacity, protein solubility, and texture, could be less effective than pre-rigor salting with NaCl at an identical percentage concentration.