A study of the effect of chemical composition on microstructure and hardness of the as-cast and homogenized Zn-Al-Cu alloys was carried out. Five different composition alloys were prepared and they were homogenized at 623 K for 648 ks in order to eliminate the dendritic structure. Rockwell ''B'' hardness was determined in the as-cast and homogenized alloys. XRD diffraction analysis of the as-cast and homogenized alloys indicated the presence of the , , ", , 0 and phases and , , ", , and 0 phases, respectively. The hardness of both the as-cast and homogenized alloys increased with the increase in volume fraction of the Cu-containing ", , and 0 phases. A multiple-linear regression analysis permitted to obtain the two equations, HRB As-cast ¼ 97:5 þ 6:8 ln (at%Cu)-4.7 ln (at%Zn) and HRB Homogenized ¼ 52:1 þ 3:6 ln (at%Cu)-27:5 ln (at%Zn), to assess the hardness in the as-cast and homogenized Zn-Al-Cu alloys.