With a projected rise in the number of elderly, most of whom have also relied primarily on the private automobile for their mobility, it is likely that future adaptations in vehicle design will be linked in some part to the physical in®rmities often faced by the elderly. This paper oers a bridge between medical research on the physical impairments of the elderly and automobile design and driving safety. We describe recent ®ndings on the driving-related physical and cognitive impairments faced by the elderly. We then propose two major types of vehicle design and infrastructure adaptations: (1) modi®cations for private vehicles, and (2) intelligent technology and support services for private vehicles, which can help to minimize the drivingrelated eects of these impairments. For example, we present a range of modest vehicle design adaptations for components such as seats and doorways, handles, knobs, and steering wheels, and seat belts. We ®nd that many of these improvements can be made to standard passenger vehicles with little additional design eort, and that the adaptations should also increase overall vehicle marketability. Finally, we argue that while most, if not all, of our proposed adaptations would be made to largely bene®t the elderly, they will nevertheless support and improve driving across all age groups. Ó