“…Fewer than half (44%) of the investigators, however, identified and defined a conceptual framework. The predominant conceptual models were based on social cognitive theories, such as Bandura's self‐efficacy (Bailey & Hubbard, 1990; Eisen & Zellman, 1986; Giblin, Poland, & Sachs, 1987; Jemmott & Jemmott, 1992; Kasen, Vaughan, & Walter, 1992), locus of control (Riccio‐Howe, 1991), Jessor's problem behavior theory (Chassin, Presson, & Sherman, 1989; Rossow & Rise, 1993), Ajzen and Fishbein's theory of reasoned action (Brubaker & Wickersham, 1990), Pender's (1987) health promotion model (Boehm et al, 1993), and the health belief model developed by Rosenstock (1974) (Eisen & Zellman, 1986).…”