Objectives-We examined the differential effects of socioeconomic status on colon cancer care and survival in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and San Francisco, California.Methods-We analyzed registry data for colon cancer patients from Ontario (n=930) and California (n=1014), diagnosed between 1996 and 2000 and followed until 2006, on stage, surgery, adjuvant chemotherapy, and survival. We obtained socioeconomic data for individuals' residences from population censuses.Correspondence should be sent to Kevin Gorey, School of Social Work, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Ave, Windsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4 gorey@uwindsor.ca. Reprints can be ordered at http://www.ajph.org by clicking the "Reprints/Eprints" link.
ContributorsK. M. Gorey conceptualized and supervised the study and led the writing. K. Y. Fung led the analysis. All authors assisted with study design, data analysis, and interpretation and writing.
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CIHR Author Manuscript
CIHR Author Manuscript
CIHR Author ManuscriptResults-Income was directly associated with lymph node evaluation, chemotherapy, and survival in San Francisco but not in Toronto. High-income persons had better survival rates in San Francisco than in Toronto. After adjustment for stage, survival was better for low-income residents of Toronto than for those of San Francisco. Middle-to low-income patients were more likely to receive indicated chemotherapy in Toronto than in San Francisco.Conclusions-Socioeconomic factors appear to mediate colon cancer care in urban areas of the United States but not in Canada. Improvements are needed in screening, diagnostic investigations, and treatment access among low-income Americans.A study of cancer survival in low-income areas of Toronto, Ontario, and Detroit, Michigan, during the 1980s found advantages among Canadians for common cancers. 1 The Toronto survival advantage was replicated for breast cancer across diverse low-income Canadian and US contexts through the 1990s. 2 Studies of that era, however, were not able to account for differences in stage of disease at diagnosis. More recent studies that accounted for breast cancer stage again found Canadian advantages. [3][4][5][6] In the United States, women with breast cancer who lived in low-income areas waited longer for surgery and adjuvant radiation therapy and were less likely to receive radiation therapy or to survive. Similar disparities between high-and low-income women with breast cancer did not exist in Canada; thus lowincome Canadians fared better across most breast cancer care indices than their US counterparts. More inclusive health insurance in Canada was advanced as the most plausible explanation.Colon cancer care may be an even more important health care performance indicator. The second most frequent cause of cancer death in North America, its prognosis can be excellent with early diagnosis and treatment. 7,8 For several reasons, colon cancer seems particularly instructive for Canada-US cancer care comparisons. First, research on income and colon cancer survi...