“…to commercially-relevant chalcogenized CIGS absorbers, [12] full size (0.75 m 2 ) modules, [13] and Cd-free Zn(O,S) buffers. [2,12,22] Although the mechanisms responsible for these efficiency improvements are not clear, the KF PDT has been associated with multiple phenomena: increased hole concentration (e.g., by consuming InCu compensating donors to produce KCu neutral defects [23] ), [5,7,8,11,14,15,19,[24][25][26][27] decreased hole concentration (by consuming NaCu to produce InCu compensating donors, [1] or by forming (K-K)Cu dumbbell interstitial donors [28] ), [1,8,10,16] Na depletion or formation of soluble Na chemical(s), [1,5,7,8,10,13,14,25,26,29,30] Ga depletion at the surface, [1, 8, 10, 13-15, 29, 31, 32] Cu depletion at the surface [7,13,15,18,20] resulting in better near-surface inversion [1,8,10,16,33] or decreased valence band energy,…”