Apple (Malus domestica) is cultivated worldwide and is the most widely grown species in the genus Malus (Li et al., 2018). There are more than 7,500 known cultivars of apples, resulting in a range of desired characteristics; among the different varieties of apples, only 20 varieties are commercial of which only five types (Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, McIntosh, Rome Beauty, and Granny Smith) are evaluated to have major worldwide production. Annual Worldwide apple production is around 83.1 million tons, with China accounting for half of the total production (Ferree & Warrington, 2003;Kunihisa et al., 2016;Matsumoto, 2014). Apples are the fourth largest fruit crop in the world after orange, grape, and banana varieties (Forsline et al., 2003).The term quality defines the superiority of the product or its suitability for specific use, quality is a human structure that has many features or properties. However, apple quality depends on its physical and visual characteristics and chemical composition . The development of these attributes is probably initiated when the fruit is very young, and the final product depends on many factors, such as cultural practices, environmental conditions during fruit development, maturity at harvest, and storage treatments (Vanolia & Bucchiri, 2012;Xie et al., 2021).Fruit quality has been evolving throughout time, at present, fruit production and commercialization extend to delivery criteria to which the consumer imposes. Setting the proper harvest date is not only useful in obtaining a better product but also increases productivity, however, the common attributes associated with quality are fruit size, fruit weight, fruit firmness, fruit total soluble solids content, fruit acid content, fruit pectin, and fruit polyphenol content (Mupambi et al., 2018). Apple quality rapidly changes during storage and, therefore, substantially influences the acceptableness of the consumers. At the first step, it is judged by manifestation containing color and size and secondly by the content of total soluble solids (TSS), texture, and/or titratable acidity, these parameters would supply substantial information to the consumers in identifying the most nutritional fruit. The influence of diverse treatments on apple quality has extensively been considered during storage by