Background and Objective: Medicinal plants are vital sources of easily accessible remedies used in the countryside healthcare system. This study aimed at determining the medicinal plants used in the treatment of prostate cancer in Unubi Nnewi South L.G.A and documentation of the various plant species used for curing diseases. Materials and Methods: Ethno study on the indigenous plants used for the treatment of prostate cancer in Unubi, Nnewi South Local Government Area was carried out through oral interviews and the use of questionnaire for data collection. Plant samples with their leaves, fruits, flowers, stems, barks and roots were collected and used for the interview. The common and vernacular names of the described species were also of interest and standard literature were then consulted for their proper identification. Results: The highest number of questionnaires 60 was retrieved from Amakobam village and the least 40 was obtained from Etitinabo village. The respondents showed that they got access to information on the plants species used for the treatment of prostate cancer through apprenticeship (93.3%) and some were informed through folklore (68.3%) while newspapers and the internet were the least sources of information about plant species relevant in the treatment of prostate cancer. The result showed that the most notable mode of preparation of herbal medicine for the treatment of prostate cancer was extractions and decoctions 89.2 and 75.8%, respectively. For the treatment of prostate cancer in the study area, the most frequently used plant is Talinum triangulare (85%) and Telfaria occidentalis (74%). Dennettia tripetala (40.8%), Cassia occidentalis (61%) and Spondias mombin (53%) were moderately used or rarely used. Conclusion: These plants are effective when administered properly and taken daily. Since plant species comes with many benefits like medicinal purpose, it is therefore, encouraged to consume them as food or medicine.