Muddy surfaces have negative effects on the health and welfare of dairy cattle, and if possible, cows will avoid this surface. However, it is unclear whether it is the moisture content or the contamination with manure that is aversive to the cows. This study aimed to assess the use and preference for different wood chip (0.4 m deep) surface types: (1) clean and dry (clean, dry matter content, DM: 44 ± 2.8%), (2) dirty (dirty, contaminated with manure, DM: 40 ± 3.7%), and (3) clean and wet (wet, wetted by water, DM: 23 ± 3.3%). Eighteen nonlactating, pregnant cows were tested individually (mean 24-h temperature: 9.9 ± 4.46°C, mean ± standard deviation for all preceding values). Cows were kept indoors in test pens for 18 h on wood chip without feed and 6 h on pasture to allow for daily feed intake. To ensure cows made informed choices and to measure changes in behavior and hygiene associated with each option, they were first exposed to each surface for 5 d (n = 12 cows per surface type when they were restricted on one surface; i.e., each cow was exposed to 2 treatment surfaces only). Cows on the wet surface spent the least amount of time lying when restricted to one surface for 18 h (wet: 21%, dirty: 57%, clean: 64%) and spent more time lying when on pasture for 6 h (wet: 13%, dirty: 4%, clean: 3%). The total lying times during the 5-d surface exposure were wet: 4.