We examined effects of short-term and long-term dopaminergic medication in Parkinson's disease on conflict monitoring or response selection processes. These processes were examined using event-related potentials (ERPs), while subjects performed a stimulus-response (S-R) compatibility task. An extended sample of young and elderly controls, Parkinson's disease patients with a medication history (PDs) and initially diagnosed, drug-naïve de novo PD patients (de novo PDs) were enrolled. Both PD groups were measured twice (on and off-medication or before and 8 weeks after medication onset).The results show that dopaminergic intervention selectively reduced the pathologically enhanced response selection in compatible S-R relations. This medication effect was already evident after short-term treatment, not differing from long-term treatment and performance in elderly controls. Contrary, age-related attenuations of the N2 in incompatible S-R relations, probably reflecting impaired conflict processing or response control, are unaffected by medication. The results suggest that compatible and incompatible S-R relations demand different neuronal mechanisms within the basal ganglia, as only the former are affected by agonizing the dopaminergic system.