Adenine is one of
the basic molecules of life; it is also an important
building block in the synthesis of new pharmaceuticals, electrochemical
(bio)sensors, or self-assembling molecular materials. Therefore, it
is important to know the effects of the solvent and substituent on
the electronic structure of adenine tautomers and their stability.
The four most stable adenine amino tautomers (9H, 7H, 3H, and 1H),
modified by substitution (C2– or C8−) of electron-withdrawing
NO2 and electron-donating NH2 groups, are studied
theoretically in the gas phase and in solvents of different polarities
(1 ≤ ε < 109). Solvents have been modeled using the
polarizable continuum model. Comparison of the stability of substituted
adenine tautomers in various solvents shows that substitution can
change tautomeric preferences with respect to the unsubstituted adenine.
Moreover, C8 substitution results in slight energy differences between
tautomers in polar solvents (<1 kcal/mol), which suggests that
in aqueous solution, C8–X-substituted adenine systems may consist
of a considerable amount of two tautomers9H and 7H for X =
NH2 and 3H and 9H for X = NO2. Furthermore,
solvation enhances the effect of the nitro group; however, the enhancement
strongly depends on the proximity effects. This enhancement for the
NO2 group with two repulsive N···ON contacts
can be threefold higher than that for the NO2 with one
attractive NH···ON contact. The proximity effects are
even more significant for the NH2 group, as the solvation
may increase or decrease its electron-donating ability, depending
on the type of proximity.