Endotracheal tube (ETT) suction is the most frequently performed invasive procedure in ventilated newborn infants and is associated with adverse effects related to negative tracheal pressure. We aimed to measure suction catheter gas flow and intratracheal pressure during ETT suction of a test lung and develop a mathematical model to predict tracheal pressure from catheter and ETT dimensions and applied pressure. Tracheal pressure and catheter flow were recorded during suction of ETT sizes 2.5-4.0 mm connected to a test lung with catheters 5-8 French Gauge and applied pressures of 80 -200 mm Hg. The fraction of applied pressure transmitted to the trachea was calculated for each combination, and data fitted to three nonlinear models for analysis. E ndotracheal tube (ETT) suction is the most frequently performed invasive procedure in ventilated newborn infants, and is important to maintain ETT patency and to prevent complications of secretion retention (1,2). It is associated, however, with the potential for significant adverse effects including loss of lung volume, hypoxemia, and localized injury to the tracheobronchial tree (3-11). The cause of these adverse effects may be the exposure of the tracheobronchial tree to negative pressure (5,(12)(13)(14).The chief determinants of intratracheal pressure during suction are thought to be applied suction pressure (P suction ) and catheter size relative to ETT size (14,15). The effect of suction on intratracheal pressure has been evaluated in vitro and in vivo for adult ETT and catheter sizes (16,17), and in vivo studies have examined the effects of P suction and the relationship between ETT and suction catheter size on changes in oxygenation, respiratory mechanics, and cardiovascular dynamics (5,18,19). Although larger catheters and higher P suction are found to generate lower intratracheal pressure than smaller catheters, the exact relationship between these variables has not been determined (16,17,20).In an in vitro lung model, intratracheal pressure was found to be inversely related to the cross-sectional area between the ETT and catheter for neonatal and pediatric ETT sizes during suction (using an applied pressure of 500 mm Hg) (20). However, this relationship was not mathematically defined. Rosen and Hillard (21) derived an equation to quantify intratracheal pressure in terms of ETT and suction catheter dimensions and applied suction pressure, but this equation did not account for the annular shape of the area between the ETT and catheter and has not been verified empirically (15).The aim of this study was, in an in vitro lung model, to measure intratracheal pressure and catheter gas flow (VЈ catheter ) over the range of clinically used P suction for neonatal ETTs and suction catheters. In addition, we aimed to develop a mathematical model to define the relationship between the intratracheal pressure generated during suction and ETT size, suction catheter size, and P suction .
MATERIALS AND METHODSEthical approval is not required for bench-top experiments...