We consider the Two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM) of type III which leads to Flavour Changing Neutral Currents (FCNC) at tree level. In the framework of this model we calculate the NLO contribution for b → sγ and the branchings for the meson decays B + → l + ν. We examine the limits on the new parameters λ bb and M H ± . We take into account the relationship between λ tt and λ bb coming from the validness of perturbation theory.Keywords: B Meson decay; 2HDM type III; Charged Higgs mass The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics based on the gauge group SU(3) c × SU(2) L × U(1) Y makes fit the symmetry breaking by including a fundamental weak doublet of scalar Higgs bosons φ with a scalar potential V (φ) = λ(φ † φ − 1 2 v 2 ) 2 . However, the SM does not explain the dynamics responsible for the generation of masses. Between the models beyond the SM, many of them include more than one scalar Higgs doublet; for instance, the case of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM)). We consider one of these extensions which has a richer scalar sector, called generically as the Two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM). There are several kinds of such 2HDM models. In the model called type I, one Higgs doublet provides masses to the up and down quarks, simultaneously. In the model type II, one Higgs doublet gives masses to the up type quarks and the other one to the down type quarks. These two models include a discrete symmetry to avoid flavour changing neutral currents (FCNC) at tree level [1]. However, the addition of these discrete symmetries is not compulsory and in this case both doublets are contributing to generate the masses for up-type and down-type quarks. In the literature, such a model is known as the 2HDM type III [2]. It has been used to search for physics beyond the SM and specifically for FCNC at tree level [3][4][5]. In general, both doublets can acquire a vacuum expectation value (VEV), but one of them can be absorbed redefining the Higgs boson fields properly. Nevertheless, other studies on 2HDM-III using different basis have been done and there is a case where both doublets get VEVs that allows to study the models type I and II in a specific limit [5,6].In the 2HDM models, the two complex Higgs doublets correspond to eigth scalar states. Spontanoues Symmetry breaking procedure leads to five Higgs fields: two neutral CP-even scalars h 0 and H 0 , a neutral CP-odd scalar A 0 , and two charged scalars H ± . While the neutral Higgs bosons may be difficult to distinguish from the one of the SM, the charged Higgs bosons would have a distinctive signal for physics beyond the SM. Therefore the direct or indirect evidence of a charged Higgs boson would play an important role in the discovery of an extended Higgs sector. Direct searches have carried out by LEP collaborations and they reported a combined lower limit on M H ± of 78.6 GeV [7] assuming H + → τ + ν τ (cs). At the Tevatron, the direct searches for charged Higgs boson are based on pp → tt where at least one top quark decay can be used in order to look for the...