RECEIVEDProgram. This work was performed under work breakdown structure (activity data sheet 8304, "Technical Integration"). Publication of this document meets an activity data sheet milestone of September 13, 1996. This document provides the Environmental Restoration Program with a preliminary evaluation ofthe ecological risks that contaminants on the Oak Ridge Reservation present to selected wide-ranging species. These results will aid in the understanding of the magnitude of ecological risks to populations at larger spatial scales and will assist in the prioritization of source operable units for investigation and remediation.iii .
5-30The number of potentially exposed red fox focused on species that may be definitively associated with a contaminated area or source operable unit. This is necessary to identify areas where risk is sufficiently high to warrant remediation. Consequently the species that are generally considered are those with home ranges small enough such that multiple individuals or a distinct population can be expected to reside within the boundaries of the contaminated site. This approach is adequate for sites with single, discrete areas of contamination that only provide habitat for species with limited spatial (i.e., small home range) requirements. This approach is not adequate however for large sites with multiple, spatially separated contaminated areas that provide habitat for wide-ranging wildlife species. Because wide-ranging wildlife species may travel between and use multiple contaminated sites, they may be exposed to and be at risk from contaminants from multiple locations. Use (and therefore exposure and risk) of a particular contaminated site by wide-ranging species will be dependant upon the amount of suitable habitat available at that site. Therefore to adequately evaluate risks to wide-ranging species at the ORR-wide scale, the use of multiple contaminated sites must be weighted by the amount of suitable habitat on operable units (OUs). Highly contaminated OUs that provide little habitat are unlikely to be significant contributors to ORR-scale contaminant-associated risk. Conversely, moderately contaminated sites that contain considerable habitat may significantly contribute to ORR-scale contaminant-associated risk.In spring of 1994, a series of meetings were held among the Federal Facilities Agreement parties to develop an approach and plan for assessing risks to wide-ranging species that could not be adequately addressed at the source OU level. The results ofthese discussions are presented in the ORR epological risk assessment strategy document (Suter et al. 1994a). This report is based on this document and presents the preliminary assessment of ecological risks to wide-ranging species from contaminants on the ORR.The reservation-wide ecological risk assessment is intended to serve several purposes, including identifying (1) which endpoints are significantly at risk, (2) which contaminants are responsible for this risk, and (3) which OUs significantly ...