Appropriate growth forms for strawberry production in a plant factory with artificial lighting (PFAL), which is a recently developed production system, remain undetermined. Improving strawberry productivity in a PFAL requires insights into the interplay between production characteristics (growth and photosynthesis) and growth forms, such as plant height and leaf area (LA), which are major determinants of crop yield. Growth status, yield, and photosynthetic characteristics of the two cultivars of strawberries (Fragaria ×ananassa Duch. Tochiotome and Koiminori) with different growth forms were examined. ‘Koiminori’ exhibited a 1.9-fold higher yield and a 2.0-fold greater total dry weight of respective organs compared with ‘Tochiotome’. The single-plant photosynthetic rate (AP), serving as an index for both cultivars, was 2.2-times higher for Koiminori than for Tochiotome. The photosynthetic rates of a single leaf (AL) and LA were also analyzed as important factors that influence the AP. The AL for ‘Koiminori’ surpassed that of ‘Tochiotome’ by 1.4 times. This was attributed to the elevated photosynthetic photon flux density received by the upper leaves of Koiminori, which is a consequence of its higher plant height in proximity to the light source. Evaluation of four photosynthetic capacities, maximum rate of carboxylation, maximum rate of electron transport, photosynthetic rate under saturating light, and light utilization efficiency, which are potential factors that affect AL, revealed no differences in these capacities between cultivars. ‘Koiminori’ exhibited a significantly larger LA (2.3- to 3.1-times) than ‘Tochiotome’, indicating that the former’s higher AP resulted mainly from its higher AL and larger LA. Thus, strawberry production in a PFAL can be improved by growing cultivars with growth forms such as higher plant height and larger LA.